album cover of Pure Guava by Ween

Pure Guavaby Ween

released 11/10/1992 on Elektra

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TrackSong TitleFirst PlayedLast PlayedTotal
12Flies on My Dickfirst played: 06-29-1994last played : 08-10-2007total: 5 times
16Loving U Thru It Allfirst played: 11-26-1994last played : 06-18-2009total: 6 times
10Sarahfirst played: 07-14-1991last played : 11-02-2012total: 62 times
17Hey Fat Boy (Asshole)first played: 09-16-2015last played : 10-16-2015total: 4 times
8I Play It Off Legitfirst played: 09-16-2015last played : 07-01-2022total: 28 times
19Poopship Destroyerfirst played: 02-10-1993last played : 07-03-2022total: 191 times
9Pumpin' 4 the Manfirst played: 06-30-1994last played : 12-10-2022total: 232 times
7Reggaejunkiejewfirst played: 10-12-1991last played : 03-17-2023total: 117 times
1Little Birdyfirst played: 04-02-1993blast played : 09-08-2023total: 68 times
11Springthemefirst played: 10-27-1994last played : 09-08-2023total: 90 times
6The Goin' Gets Tough From the Getgofirst played: 12-30-1990last played : 02-15-2024total: 146 times
13I Saw Gener Cryin' in His Sleepfirst played: 06-16-1995last played : 02-17-2024total: 66 times
5Push th' Little Daisiesfirst played: 03-03-1991last played : 04-20-2024total: 254 times
3The Stallion pt 3first played: 07-15-1991last played : 08-02-2024total: 412 times
18Don't Get 2 Close (2 My Fantasy)first played: 10-31-1991last played : 08-02-2024total: 498 times
4Big Jilmfirst played: 07-20-1991last played : 08-03-2024total: 221 times
2Tender Situationfirst played: 12-30-1990last played : 08-04-2024total: 139 times
14Touch My Tooterfirst played: 10-30-1993last played : 08-04-2024total: 380 times
15Mourning Glorytotal: 0 times
Total songs played live from this album: 2919
Average live plays per album track: 153.6
Average songs played per live show: 2.2